V E L E N I    S O S P E S I


“Lo Spazio Bianco art gallery presents an extreme duo exhibition entitled Veleni Sospesi. Art compares to the harshness of expression and obsession for the detail. Valentina Diena’s pieces open to the absolute detail to flow into conceptual, while the reproductions of Mauro Bergamaschi recreate a real and imaginary world through a modeled version of creativity. Art goes against the formal code and doesn’t lay down on a preset path, but rather penetrates the awareness of the city through the values of a body that is now inhuman, the ‘electronic cigarette’ and the fetishism of the released model. The vision applies in clear and structural shapes. The artists’ mind is secondary to the strength of the hand that carves the language without boundaries.”

Vittorio Raschetti


Veleni Sospesi duo exhibition


Veleni Sospesi - Valentina Diena, Farewell


Veleni Sospesi is a duo art exhibition curated by Vittorio Raschetti. The exhibition opens the 27th of June, 2022, at Lo Spazio Bianco contemporary art gallery in Milan, Italy, and will be accessible until the 19th of July.        

The two artists on show are Mauro Bergamaschi and Valentina Diena, both from Milan.
Their extremely different approach to artistic expression and use of media lead to two artistic productions that may seem opposite and differing: while Valentina Diena works with hyperrealism colored pencils on paper, portraying consumer goods through an extremely detailed and accurate manual techique, Mauro Bergamaschi recreates true scenes through model building that seem coming from real life and a dreamlike dimension at the same time.
But the same obsession for the slightest detail, the bond with contemporary subjects and matters, and also a subtle critical eye over contemporary era together generate a common thread that connects the artists' practices and gives life to a single balanced and meaningful exhibition.

Veleni Sospesi, opening day



Veleni Sospesi exhibition



  © Developed by Valentina Diena